Rich in macro and microelements
Free of fat, gluten, flour and starch
Free of colorants and preservatives
The product is developed by a Czech company as part of the startup, which is focused on the production of snacks from berries, fruits and vegetables.
You cannot find our characteristic sweet and sour taste anywhere else in the world. The structure of the Pate de Pomme meringue melts in the mouth, leaving a smooth and fresh aftertaste.
Baked apples, which are used to make pate, are even healthier than freshly picked ones due to their ability to lower cholesterol, cleanse the liver, strengthen the immune and digestive systems, and help remove free radicals. Applesauce is infused with organic acids and pectin that naturally boost your metabolism.
We use only natural ingredients for production of Pate de Pomme
Pate de Pomme ist sehr lecker und dabei kalorienärmer als die meisten anderen Schoko- oder Müsliriegel.
Tasty Snack
Pate de Pomme is very tasty, but has fewer calories than most other chocolate or muesly bars
Suitable for everyone
Pate de Pomme ist geeignet für Vegetarier und glutenintolerante Personen
Motzener Str. 36-38, 12277 Berlin
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